Piedmont Funeral Services at Mountain View Cemetery
5000 Piedmont Avenue Oakland, CA 94611
Phone: 510-658-2588
Fax: 510-652-2726
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mausoleum Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
**Open to recreational visits Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Be prepared to sign in at the gate.
From Alameda: Go through Webster Tube, remain on Harrison Street. Go left on MacArthur Boulevard, right on Piedmont Avenue, proceed to the end of Piedmont Avenue.
From the Carquinez Bridge: Take Highway 80 South to 580 East to 24 East, take 51st Street exit, go right on 51st Street, continue forward on 51st Street/Pleasant Valley, left on Piedmont Avenue, continue to the end of the street.
From the Peninsula/Livermore/Hayward: Highway 580 North to Oakland, take Harrison/MacArthur exit, continue forward on MacArthur Boulevard, go right on Piedmont Avenue, continue to the end of the street.
From San Francisco: Bay Bridge to 580 East to 24 East, take 51st Street exit, right on 51st Street, continue forward on 51st Street/Pleasant Valley, go left on Piedmont Avenue, continue to the end of the street.
From San Jose: 880 North to 238 to 580 North to Harrison/MacArthur Boulevard exit, go right on Piedmont Avenue to the end of the street.
From the San Rafael Bridge: Remain on 580 to 580 East to 24 East, take 51st Street exit, right on 51st Street, continue forward on 51st Street/Pleasant Valley, go left on Piedmont Avenue to the end of the street.
From Walnut Creek: 24 through tunnel to Broadway exit, continue forward on Broadway, left on 51st Street/Pleasant Valley, left on Piedmont Avenue to the end of the street.
Via Public Transit: Check with local transit organizations (BART, AC Transit) for the latest information.
© Piedmont Funeral Services & Mountain View Cemetery | Oakland, CA - Funeral Home Website Design By Frazer Consultants & TA
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